Kids Count West Virginia Data Sobering

By T.L. HEADLEY, MBA, MAT, MA, BA I just received a copy of this year’s Kids Count Report for West Virginia. Needless to say the data is scary and should be sobering to anyone who cares about our children and the future of our state. Especially since the data set drawn from dates back to…

Creating Mayberry: A Vision for Conservatives

By T.L. HEADLEY, MBA, MA, MAT, BA “The conservative vision for America is not an Ayn Rand novel. It’s Norman Rockwell painting, or a Frank Capra movie: a nation ‘of plain, ordinary kindness, and a little looking out for the other fellow, too.’” Sen. Mike Lee.  I like Ayn Rand in terms of her views…

A Few Thoughts on Father’s Day

By T. L. Headley    Today is Father’s Day and I spent the morning at Church with my wife and two sons. We had a special service with World War II Medal of Honor Recipient Woody Williams serving as Lay Minister. His sermon surrounded service — service to your God, service to your country and service…