An Open Letter to the White House from Appalachia

Mr. Obama,
I would like to tell you a story about my state and my region. Perhaps you don’t care. Honestly, I don’t think you do, but I feel I must send this note to you anyway.
Right now there are approximately 17,000 coal miners who are out of work across the Appalachian region — with about 5000 of them from here in West Virginia. When you multiply that number by the standard economic multiplier established by West Virginia University (5X). That means that 85,000 jobs have been lost across the region. Literally BILLIONS have been lost to the economy.
The short answer is simply… because of YOU. Mr. Obama, counties in my state have unemployment has high as 15.5 percent (and that is just the reported unemployment).
This is happening because of your “green” policies and the radical actions of YOUR EPA.
Sir, I have little hope that you care one whit about the people of the coalfields of West Virginia, Virginia or Kentucky, but I think you need to hear about the damage you are doing.
You are creating a situation in which the heart of the Appalachians will be de-populated within the next 10 years. Those who are left will be mired in poverty unseen since at least the 1960s. Perhaps that’s what you want, but you need to know that this is hurting retirees, children, everyone. You know… those people you claim to care about.
And we are going through this for no reason other than your ridiculous “green” policies.
You are killing the coal industry and with it you are killing entire communities.
If you are looking for your “legacy” look no further than this.
And frankly sir, I wish for you the life you have given the people of this region — a life of misery and despair.

Terry L. Headley

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