This is Sick! The Fascism of the School System

I woke up this morning to my six year old, Duncan, sick AGAIN. This is the third time in a month this child has had an upper respiratory infection.
I am sure there are other parents out there who are struggling with this very same issue. So the question is why?
There is one reason – our insane school system.
They essentially force parents to send sick children — children who would be better with a couple of days of rest and home care — to school, spreading infections to others, who then give it back to the first kid in a constant merry-go-round of sickness all winter.
They give parents a handful of days to keep kids home without a doctor’s excuse — which means trips to docs and likely exposures to other illnesses while there — spreading other illnesses when the children go back. They give parents five (5) days PER YEAR for home excuses and are even
Lower income parents, or those without health insurance, use up the home excuses and then have to send the children even when they basically have no business being at school. Otherwise the parents are dragged into conferences and even court cases for trying to take care of their kids.
And to make matters worse, the school systems don’t even do a good job cleaning the schools during the winter. Whatever happened to janitors who mopped floors every evening, who wiped down desks and surfaces and especially doorknobs?
Here’s my answer to this issue — these are OUR children. They are NOT the property of the school or the government. WE, the parents, should determine whether the child is healthy enough to go to school. If WE think they are sick, WE should decide whether to send them to school. And HOW DARE the school system administration question OUR judgment!
So here is my statement! Haul me into court! Put me in jail! But my wife and I ALONE will make decisions about our children.. PERIOD!

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