Dissonant Chords: Music That Matters


Dissonance is essentially synonymous with turbulence or disturbance. In music it refers to the use of combinations of notes that are not normally used together to form chords that create an unsettled mood or emotion. In psychology, cognitive dissonance is a term used to describe an inner conflict or angst.

Dissonant Chords is a blog about music that matters and music that doesn’t. Often, the music that matters is dissonant in nature. It isn’t mechanical, doesn’t easily fit within a genre and usually isn’t “popular” in the traditional sense. However, from the perspective of fifty-odd years, I can say it is also usually the music that lasts. It is the music that makes you uncomfortable. It is music that makes you think, and think in ways that often run counter to your existing beliefs.

Dissonant Chords reflects my thoughts on both current music as well as classic music that retains its innate power despite the passage of years. On these pages we will talking about this music from both a psycho-social perspective as well as a mechanical perspective. So if you like music, especially eclectic music, then this page is for you. We look forward to the discussion.

PAGES (Links appear in the drop down menu above)

  • Exit Stage Left: Pink Floyd Bids Adieu — https://prdoc.wordpress.com/dissonant-chords-music-that-matters/exit-stage-left-pink-floyd-bids-adieu/
  • A Discussion of Loreena McKennitt’s “The Journey So Far”
  • A Discussion of Bob Seger’s New Release “Ride Out”
  • The Legacy of Bob Dylan and His Upcoming New Album Release
  • The Legacy of Levon Helm and The Band
  • Stevie Ray Vaughan: Master Bluesman
  • U2 and Apple: So What’s Wrong With Free?
  • The Waterboys: The 80’s Secret Treasure
  • Saying Goodnight to the Lady Divinyl

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