Being Thankful — Day 2


Well, being honest, I got busy and missed a few days of my postings about being thankful. For that, I want to first apologize to God.

Second, I have been thinking about the very concept of thankfulness a lot lately. You see, over the past few weeks I have been slammed with problem after problem — car issues (repeated), financial issues and sickness in the family. It really hasn’t been a fun few weeks. Nor does it promise to be a very fun time for a few more weeks. I have to get some of these issues ironed out, sort my way through them and then attack them the only way you can – one step at a time.

But I have faith that God will get me and my family through this. He has already opened up doors I thought were shut and has made the path forward fairly clear. So for that I am truly thankful. Now I just need to get busy and do the things that need to be done.

Despite all this, I have a lot to be thankful for … my sweet wife Kim just finished her last day of student teaching and is just weeks away from being fully licensed to teach in West Virginia. My two boys are the best children anyone could hope to have. And I believe we are now finally on the right path to fixing the problems this nation is confronting.

God is always working in your life. Sometimes you may not see it and sometimes He takes you down a road you may not want to go but in the end — if you open yourself up to His will — you will be better for it in the end. The road may not be pleasant and there may be monsters along the way, but God will take you through it all and bring you to a brighter, happier place.

So today, I am thankful for God’s will. I am thankful for His plan for my life and for His providing me the understanding to accept His will as paramount.

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