Being Thankful – Day 4

Yesterday was so hectic I didn’t get to write anything down, so I am going to make up with it with two posts today — one for Day Four and one for today, Day Five.

I am getting a cold and sore throat, so today I want to thank God for sickness and sadness. Without sickness and sadness we wouldn’t know the joys of health and happiness. Life is a dichotomy completed only by the yin and yang of existence — joy and sadness, health and sickness, good and evil, dark and light, warmth and cold, love and hate, life and death. These define the human existence — our humanity.  God doesn’t exist in the here and now. He transcends and permeates this reality. He IS this reality.

God breathed our humanity into our lungs and life into our souls. Perhaps that sounds a bit backward, but our “humanity” is of this world — this existence. Our “life-soul” — like God — transcends this existence and reaches into that unknown place, allowing us to experience it in fragments and carry it back with us to this world.  And it is in these defining moments — times of great joy and times when we experience great pain, that we are somehow most in tune with God — closest to Him.

So I thank God for not only the good but also the bad. I thank Him for the gift of life and the gift of existence. I thank Him for allowing me to experience this school  know as human life.  Today I give praise to the Father.

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