Random Thoughts

 Night Storm








I climbed again the wooden stairs and sat upon the windswept dune…

I watched as day yielded grudgingly to the embrace of the night.

Blue-gray clouds fled across the sky as pelicans skimmed the breaking waves.

Whitecaps …. fleeting …rise to meet the sky and breakers thunder into the shore.

Wind … fierce and gathering …. picking up mists of sand and sweeping the beach…

I rise from the sand turn and begin my journey home … as the first drops of rain sting my face.

Behind me .. the night storm rages across the sea.

tl headley 6/10/13









Gray yields to deep green and then a deeper blue…

An azure sky stretches from horizon to horizon, broken now and then the white of clouds….

Sol …. the invincible sun … stretches forth its life-giving hands and breathes life into the world.

The day is resurrected from the darkness… light moves upon the face of the deep.

Dawn breaks….

tl headley 6/10/13


Lights on the Horizon








Waves …. crashing on the shore…

With each a new apocalypse …

with each a new creation.

Life and death…

Beginning and end…

In the distance …

lost amidst the fog and darkness …

brief flickers of light on the horizon.

Hints of life beyond the known …

Glimpses across the infinite….

Familiar yet distant…

tlh 6/12/13











Sand, sea and sky … seamless, infinite, grey….

The fury of Creation cuts through the fog.

I sit alone … nothing between my soul and God

I gaze into the mist and see His Face.

tl headley 6/10/13


A Walk in the Rain









Together … we move through time and space

The gentle rain marks our passage

Footsteps… closer and closer still… until the two become one.

Your face, wet, turns toward me.

I shelter you within my arms.

No rush …. for just a moment … eternity is ours.

TL Headley 7/23/13


A Low Winter Sun









Shadows linger… fingers of darkness stealing life from the world

Sadness … pervasive…. holding hostage the mind

Days… shorter and shorter until nothing but grey remains

Earth… stands still and quiet in the light of a low winter sun.

Time…  slowly winds to halting pace

Spirits….  dance between the stones.

Mists….  of summers long since past

Spirits of the dead … rise and walk the land.

Winter…  descends.

tlh 1/8/14

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